From: Munir Virani <>
Date: 2013-02-20 21:45
Subject: Re: [KENYABIRDSNET] Egyptian Vultures

Hi Viktoria,

Thanks for sharing. I was in Tsavo last week and we came across Three Egyptian Vultures (two adults and a young one) more towards Sala gate.
Would you happen to have a GPS point (or general location) and a date for these? It would really be helpful to us.

We also saw a kettle of about 20 vultures made up of White-headeds (4), Ruppells (5), White-backs (7) and Lappets (4).

Thanks so much for sharing.


Munir Virani | Africa Programs Director
The Peregrine Fund |
+254-(0)733-748922 |
P.O. Box 45111-00100 | Nairobi, Kenya
Conserving birds of prey worldwide

On Feb 20, 2013, at 8:23 PM, Viktoria Schaule <> wrote:


Hi There,

saw 5 Egpytian Vultures today afternoon at a waterhole in Tsavo East & thought such a sighting is worth sharing though photos are a bit crappy due to distance. 

Greetings from the Tsavos
