From: Barasa FM <>
Date: 2013-01-29 02:39
Subject: Re: [KENYABIRDSNET] Re: Are Marabous and Egrets and and Sacret Ibis safe

Hi Wamiti and others,

Am happy that you have realized that not all common birds are common. We have a monitoring scheme at Nature Kenya called " the common bird monitoring", where members do run a two Kilometre transect, using point counts-recording all individuals seen every after 200m. Its done twice in a year, February and August. At the moment we have 96 registered members/transects all over the country. With this, i see more suprises.

Results are interesting.

With regards,


From: Wanyoike Wamiti <>
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 10:31 AM
Subject: [KENYABIRDSNET] Re: Are Marabous and Egrets and and Sacret Ibis safe

I quite agree with you Titus that common birds are not as common everywhere. This means every species needs to be thought of. Again, remember that today's endangered and globally-threatened species were once common but their populations shrunk over time. Although research and conservation efforts are currently highly priced for the threatened species, it would be good if we also considered other species alongside since no species is an island, they all interact and these interactions have implications (and complications) which affect each participant.

That said, I'll be on the lookout of the said species. I remember close to end of last year counting over 100 Marabout Storks arriving for roost a the Kenya Institute of Monetary Studies (route 29/30, Survey, Thika Superhighway). Another group (tens of them) lives/roosts at Kenya Breweries' area on your right as you descend the GSU hill, check on your right on the trees along the river.

All the best everyone.

Wanyoike Wamiti
Invertebrate Zoology Section
National Museums of Kenya
Tel. +254 20 3742161 ext. 2241/58
Mobile: +254 722 574 529, +254 733 599 686
Mailing: P.O. Box 70898, Tom Mboya St., 00400, Nairobi, Kenya.
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