From: Wanyoike Wamiti <>
Date: 2013-01-12 19:54
Subject: Re: [KENYABIRDSNET] Digest Number 1280


Besides Text Book Centre, also with another branch in Kijabe St.,
check also at Book Point which is in Moi Ave. opposite Ibrahims &
almost at the junction with Kenyatta Ave. A bookshop housed in bldg
where New Stanley Hotel is (along Kenyatta Ave. side) might be worth

Good luck.


On 1/12/13, <> wrote:
> [image: Yahoo! Groups]
> Kenyabirdsnet Group
> 3 New Messages
> Digest #1280
> 1a
> Sinclair & Ryan Birds of sub-Saharan Africa 2nd edition by "Neil and Liz
> Baker"
> 1b
> Re: Sinclair & Ryan Birds of sub-Saharan Africa 2nd edition by
> ""
> 2
> NAIROBI NATIONAL PARK 7th January 2013 by "Brian Finch"
> Messages
> 1a
> Sinclair & Ryan Birds of sub-Saharan Africa 2nd edition
> Fri Jan 11, 2013 4:13 am (PST) . Posted by:
> "Neil and Liz Baker"
> Hi all
> where's the best place to buy this in Nairobi ?
> thanks
> Neil
> Neil and Liz Baker, Tanzania Bird Atlas, P.O. Box 1605, Iringa, Tanzania.
> Mobiles: +255 785-311298 and +255 784-834273.
> Subscribe to:
> Reply to sender . Reply to group . Reply via Web Post . All Messages (2) .
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> 1b
> Re: Sinclair & Ryan Birds of sub-Saharan Africa 2nd edition
> Fri Jan 11, 2013 8:09 am (PST) . Posted by:
> ""
> Text book centre in any of the major shopping malls. Eg sarit centre, ya ya
> centre, galleria mall or the junction shopping mall .
> B rgds simon ball
> Sent from my BlackBerry®
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Neil and Liz Baker>
> Sender:
> Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2013 11:58:13
> To:>
> Reply-To: Neil and Liz Baker>
> Subject: [KENYABIRDSNET] Sinclair & Ryan Birds of sub-Saharan Africa 2nd
> edition
> Hi all
> where's the best place to buy this in Nairobi ?
> thanks
> Neil
> Neil and Liz Baker, Tanzania Bird Atlas, P.O. Box 1605, Iringa, Tanzania.
> Mobiles: +255 785-311298 and +255 784-834273.
> Subscribe to:
> Reply to sender . Reply to group . Reply via Web Post . All Messages (2) .
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> 2
> NAIROBI NATIONAL PARK 7th January 2013
> Fri Jan 11, 2013 11:38 pm (PST) . Posted by:
> "Brian Finch"
> NAIROBI NATIONAL PARK 7th January 2013
> Dear All,
> On 7th January after some rearranging, Mike Davidson, Jennifer Oduore,
> Karen Plumbe and myself were kindly transported around the Park by Mrs
> Watt, who was relatively new to birding but highly hooked and had over
> sixty new species bringing her to over three hundred for her Kenyan
> list.
> We were through the Main Gate a little before 7.00am, there had been
> some recent light rain with heavier falls three days before but none
> of the roads had become impassable although the inside road to Karen
> PS Dam had become sticky.
> We commenced at the KWS Mess Garden, where there were a few birds
> showing activity in the sunlight. Amongst these were a Nightingale
> sitting on a post next to the rubbish tip, a Spotted Flycatcher on the
> fence, a couple of Garden Warblers, six or so Blackcaps, and the
> Black-collared Apalis in the hedge still present.
> From here we went to Ivory Burning Site where another Nightingale
> called from cover, but there was nothing else to reward us. A detour
> to Nagalomon Dam did reward us however, with a Swamphen coaxed from
> cover and a Great Reed Warbler in song in the typha. Along the back of
> Hyena Dam, African Water Rails rushed out to wish us a happy 2013, a
> couple of Wahlberg’s Honeybirds were chasing each other around the
> bushes and a male Syke’s Yellow Wagtail fed on the mud, finally a
> couple of Village Indigobirds were on the fence (not usually seen in
> the north of the Park for some unknown reason). At Hyena Dam there
> were twenty Wood and a few Green Sandpipers, and a few Yellow-crowned
> Bishops flew over. One of our few Barn Swallows for the day was here.
> On the Hyena Dam run-off there was a female Saddle-billed Stork, a
> few Rosy-breasted Longclaws in colour, the first of five Whinchat,
> first of three Isabelline Shrikes, all three widowbirds in breeding
> dress and five Yellow-crowned Bishops also with males in nuptial
> plumage. Eland Hollow failed to produce, and Karen PC Dam gave up a
> handsome adult Black Stork and ten more Yellow-crowned Bishops. Near
> the Beacon was a male Kori Bustard, another dozen Yellow-crowned
> Bishops and our only three Quailfinch of the day.
> Athi Basin could only come up with two Northern and one Isabelline
> Wheatears, a Long-billed Pipit, and a couple of Pangani Longclaws,
> whilst Athi Dam attracted a few birds such as four each Pink-backed
> Pelicans and White Stork, only two Yellow-billed Storks, a Little
> Egret (always inexplicably rare in NNP), just one Black-winged Stilt,
> but some thirty Kittlitz’s and a dozen Spur-winged Plovers. Just three
> Little Stints and four Greenshank were all the representatives of
> palearctic waders. Along the causeway there was a roosting adult
> Black-crowned Night-Heron and a sub-adult Fish Eagle. At Cheetah Gate
> there were a few species associated with drier ground like d’Arnaud’s
> Barbet, Crimson-rumped and Black-faced Waxbills and several parties of
> Speckle-fronted Weavers. Along Rhino Circuit was an interesting mixed
> group of Ostrich chicks of every size imaginaeable, about twenty in
> number with a pair of adults, single Lesser Spotted Eagle
> (horrifyingly the only migrant raptor of the day), and a different
> sub-adult Fish Eagle. In the bush were a glowing Pygmy Kingfisher and
> another couple of Spotted Flycatchers
> We returned via Kingfisher and round to Main Gate, but found nothing
> else of interest, and were through the Main Gate just before 5.00pm.
> Ornithologically no surprises, and still the feeling that the migrants
> are not representing themselves well.
> Really large numbers of plains game in the southern parts and
> Kingfisher, Zebra and Eland are coming back, and apart from a few
> singles there was a group of twenty Wildebeest at Athi Dam. There were
> seven White Rhinos near Kingfisher, but nothing really of note in the
> mammal department.
> Best to all
> Brian
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*Wanyoike Wamiti
*Invertebrate Zoology Section
National Museums of Kenya
Tel. +254 20 3742161 ext. 2241/58
Mobile: +254 722 574 529, +254 733 599 686
Mailing: P.O. Box 70898, Tom Mboya St., 00400, Nairobi, Kenya.
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