From: Munir Virani <>
Date: 2013-01-09 12:31
Subject: African Fish Eagle over Nairobi

Nairobi can be full of surprises with Crowned Eagles in the forests, loads of Accipiters in the gum tree groves and other fun raptors.
This afternoon, I heard the call of an African Fish Eagle soaring over Westlands in Nairobi and watched kites dive-bomb it. I just managed to get a picture.

Nice way to start the year.

Here's wishing you all lots of joy and creative productivity for 2013.


Munir Virani | Africa Programs Director
The Peregrine Fund |
+254-(0)733-748922 |
P.O. Box 45111-00100 | Nairobi, Kenya
Conserving birds of prey worldwide