----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Marc Baker <marc@ei-tz.com>
To: Neil Baker <tzbirdatlas@yahoo.co.uk>
Sent: Thursday, 3 January 2013, 14:34
Subject: Lesser Flamingo
Dear all.
As part of a study of this years Lesser Flamingo breeding event I would be keen to here of any records of juv Lesser Flamingo. We know the breeding
event started (eggs) in late September and seems to have peaked in mid december (young on colonies and forming large creches) so we should now start to see the September birds start moving and we have one record from Singida already. A GPS fix would be excellent but general location also good with an estimation of numbers.
Thanks in advance.
Marc Baker
Ecological Initiatives & Carbon Tanzania
+255 (0)784448761
Skype: babaniamh