From: Munir Virani <>
Date: 2012-12-18 22:10
Subject: Disney hero news release


Munir Virani | Africa Programs Director
The Peregrine Fund |
+254-(0)733-748922 |
P.O. Box 45111-00100 | Nairobi, Kenya
Conserving birds of prey worldwide

From: Susan Whaley 
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 11:25 AM
To: Sherri
Subject: Disney hero news release
Hi, all: Attached (or at the link below) is a news release about David Ngala, who has helped Munir with raptor surveys. I also attached a photo of David doing what he loves to do most – working with birds. He is holding a Pemba Scops Owl, photo by Munir.
Susan Whaley | Public Relations Coordinator
The Peregrine Fund | 208.362.8274
Conserving birds of prey worldwide