From: Martin Odino <>
Date: 2012-11-02 08:25
Subject: Re: [KENYABIRDSNET] Abdim's Stork in Western Kenya

Hi George,

I am counting at least 1000 daily in BunyalaRice Irrigation Scheme, western kenya starting 25th Octber 2012. See my posts/photos on facebook and on my poisoning blog;

Humble regards

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 12:21 PM, George Eshiamwata <> wrote:

Hi birders,

Last Monday morning while seated at our upcountry home (00 10’12.73’’N, 34029’40.75E at 4237ft ASL) in Butere, Kakamega County, I saw more than 80 Abdim's storks flying overhead.

Upon talking to my neighbours, they said that this is a spectacle they observe almost every day in the last few days especially in the morning hours.  Has anyone been to western Kenya recently and seen such huge flocks flying south?

George Were Eshiamwata
Mobile: +254 723 812 990
Skype address: eshiamwatagw
Alternative emails:;;
Unless we practice conservation, those who come after us will have to pay the price of misery, degradation, and failure for the progress and prosperity of our day. Gifford Pinchot