Date: 2012-09-20 20:28
Subject: Just published - Steppe Eagle migration strategies
Just published:
Bernd-Ulrich Meyburg, Christiane Meyburg and Patrick Paillat (2012):
Steppe Eagle migration strategies – revealed by satellite telemetry
British Birds 105 • September 2012 • 506–519
Sixteen Steppe Eagles Aquila nipalensis were fitted with satellite
transmitters during migration or on their wintering grounds (15 in Saudi
one in South Africa). From these 16 birds, a total of 3,734 location
were received. Adult and immature Steppe Eagle migration strategies were
markedly different in terms of timing (adults returned to breeding
territories in
southern Russia and Kazakhstan in late March and early April, whereas
arrived in mid May) but not in terms of route and wintering area. Immatures
remained on the wintering grounds for substantially longer than adults,
for about six months. An adult took almost eight weeks to cover 9,543 km
Botswana to Kazakhstan, averaging 177 km daily. The longest mean daily
distance among all tracked individuals was approximately 355 km. In 1998,
an adult
male was recorded through a complete annual cycle; it spent 31.5% of the
in the wintering area in Ethiopia and Sudan, 41.9% in the breeding area in
Kazakhstan, and 26.6% on migration.
The complete article is available as a PDF file from
Bernd Meyburg
upon request.
Further publications see:
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