From: Titus Imboma <>
Date: 2012-08-11 03:03
Subject: Re: A visitor

Dear Birders,

I have a new visitor this morning. As I walk out of the house this morning to get I meet a wheatear at my door steps. It a female Abyssinian Black or Schallow's Wheatear. I have seen the species very common in Naivasha and Nakukru but not this far to Nairobi. This is in Uthiru about 6KM west of the Upper Kabete Campus or the Kabete Vet Labs. Attached find a photo( not a good one).

Nice birding weekend.

Titus Imboma

--- On Mon, 7/30/12, Adam Scott Kennedy <> wrote:

From: Adam Scott Kennedy <>
Subject: [KENYABIRDSNET] more Blue Swallows in the Mara
To: "kenyabirdsnet" <>, "tanzaniabirds" <>
Date: Monday, July 30, 2012, 11:50 PM


Hi All,
Yesterday evening, Vicki and I took a short drive from Sala's Camp across the Keekorok River, about 1-2km due south of Roan Hill and eastwards of camp to an area of lighly bushed grassland. Here we located a flock of 26 Blue Swallows, including several males in FBP. No doubt, these are the same birds we found a few weeks ago but these birds have moulted significantly since then and looked a great deal smarter. It would appear from their behaviour that they are not commuting to a major river to roost but are staying in situ for their "overnights".
Also a family of Broad-tailed Warbler at the same spot.
No PWNJs last night, but there were 3 birds seen on the evenings of 28th and 29th, and 2 on 27th - all males.
Best for now,