From: Adam Scott Kennedy <>
Date: 2012-07-31 06:50
Subject: more Blue Swallows in the Mara

Hi All,
Yesterday evening, Vicki and I took a short drive from Sala's Camp across the Keekorok River, about 1-2km due south of Roan Hill and eastwards of camp to an area of lighly bushed grassland. Here we located a flock of 26 Blue Swallows, including several males in FBP. No doubt, these are the same birds we found a few weeks ago but these birds have moulted significantly since then and looked a great deal smarter. It would appear from their behaviour that they are not commuting to a major river to roost but are staying in situ for their "overnights".
Also a family of Broad-tailed Warbler at the same spot.
No PWNJs last night, but there were 3 birds seen on the evenings of 28th and 29th, and 2 on 27th - all males.
Best for now,