From: Adam Scott Kennedy <>
Date: 2012-07-17 09:08
Subject: Blue Swallows, Masai Mara

Hi All,
A really exciting find this yesterday evening, on the south side of Roan Hill.
Vicki and I only popped out to see the first gnu passing through but stumbled across AT LEAST  20 (maybe 25-30+), hard to say with certianty as they were moving quickly for much of the time and settling a fair distance away.
Lots of immatures and lots of wing moult going on in most of the birds. They fed mostly with Lesser Striped Swallow but were also occasionally joined by Mosque and Rufous-chested. They almost certainly roosted here. 
Brian - could this be a first record for the Mara?
Tony - I see one June record on your data sheet for Serengeti but are there more that you know about?
Neil - what does your data show on movements of this beautiful bird in TZ?
Find a couple of images attached.
Best for now,