From: Dieter Oschadleus <>
Date: 2012-07-11 20:15
Subject: weaver colony size changes & Weaver Wednesdays

Hi all

Weaver Wednesdays

Want to know more about different weaver species? Bookmark where, every Wednesday, one species will be covered with interesting information and illustrations. To see a list of species already covered, see

Weaver colony sizes

Relatively little is known about weaver colony sizes, and even less about seasonal and annual changes in colony sizes.

By contributing regular PHOWN (PHOtos of Weaver Nests, records, the PHOWN database can start to provide insights into colony sizes of weavers.
Choose a weaver colony near to your home or work that you can monitor on a regular basis. The suggested interval for repeats is weekly, but you can submit repeats on a daily, monthly or random basis (although regular is best).
If you have already participated, note that you save your colony in the gazetteer, making it even quicker and easier to submit repeat records, than submitting new records.

If you have not taken part yet, you can start now! You can also register your colony (for repeats) by sending me an email, but registration is not necessary - just send records.
Single records are still valuable too!

Read more about Repeats at

* PHOWN is a Virtual Museum, citizen science project of the Animal Demography Unit, to collect and monitor breeding distributions and colony sizes of weaver birds globally.


Dr Dieter Oschadleus (or

Bird-ringing Coordinator, SAFRING
Animal Demography Unit      tel: (021) 650-2421
University of Cape Town   NEW fax: (021) 650-3301 (Zoology)
Rondebosch 7701 RSA   After-hours: 083-285-6889