From: Dave Richards <>
Date: 2012-07-08 17:43
Subject: Mara Heronry

A list of birds breeding at Little Governors’ Camp, Masai Mara NR.


Little Governors’ Camp is situated along a lagoon. During most of 2011 the lagoon was dry but after heavy rains during October it very quickly filled up and overflowed. In early November the first birds noted on the lagoon was a group of 4 Little Grebe, a species I had never recorded before in the Mara. Within days I noticed both Green-backed and Rufous-bellied Herons turning into their breeding colours and, very soon, several of both species were seen carrying sticks into thick vegetation on a small island in the south-west corner of the lagoon. Unfortunately, I didn’t get back to Little Governors’ Camp until June this year and was amazed to see that the island was now a busy heronry. Talking to the staff it appears that the heronry has been active since I left in November 2011. The island is quite small, approx 6m across and about 1 ½ m above the water level. Unfortunately, it is only possible to view the heronry from one position, so it is impossible to count how many birds are actually breeding on the island. To complicate matters, the island is used as a roost each evening, mainly by Cattle Egrets.


Follows is a list of birds I observed on 23rd June 2012.  


Black-crowned Night Heron. Many immatures and juveniles on the island and several birds sitting on nests.

Cattle Egret. Many nests with juveniles of all ages and some birds sitting on nests. Many more came to the island to roost.

Rufous-bellied Heron. Several in breeding colour (red legs and reddish bills – both normally yellow) seen flying into the back of the island.

Great Egret. At least one pair on the island and in breeding colour (black bills – normally yellow). More came in at dusk to roost.

Yellow-billed Egret. At least one pair on the island in breeding colour (lores green – normally yellow).

Grey Heron. Pair nest building.

Black-headed Heron. The most numerous birds on the island. Many pairs on the island. Juveniles of various ages being fed by adults and some sitting on nest.

Sacred Ibis. Many nests with juveniles of various ages.

Long-tailed Cormorant. Pair nest building.


*Note* During October Green-backed Herons and Rufous-bellied Herons were breeding on the island. Making it at least 10 species breeding on the island.


Other birds seen on or very near the island.


Madagascar Squacco Heron 1 seen.

Common Squacco Heron 1 seen.

African Crake 1 seen.

Black Crakes.

Common Moorhens.

African Jacanas.


Dave Richards