From: Catherine Ngarachu <>
Date: 2012-05-07 10:13
Subject: Bird observations Meru National Park [7 & 8 April 2012]

Bird observations Meru National Park [7 – 8 April 2012] including Ikweta Safari Camp

Birders: Alan King, Bee & Sukhy Soin, Peter Usher, Wendy Ayres and Catherine Ngarachu

Meru National Park was still largely dry, with tall yellow grass and bare areas of brown soil (where we had good views of Black-faced Sandgrouse).  But even so, the yellow grass was beautiful and it was wonderful to enjoy views of the Nyambene Hills, a landscape dotted with acacias and doum palms, numerous streams and the odd green swampy area – without the bustle of parks on more popular routes.

Most conspicuous were the abundant Yellow-necked Spurfowl, which seemed to seek out mounds on the sides of the tracks, to show themselves off. It would be a challenge to say which was the star bird – perhaps the Eurasian Roller, which you couldn’t miss in number and brilliant cyan, or the Blue-cheeked Bee-eater, which may have been a lifer for a number of us, or perhaps it was the highly localised Black-bellied Sunbird, which at the time we thought was a Shining, but now confirmed from a photo by Peter Usher.  Sadly our two nightjars – Eurasian Nightjar and Dusky Nightjar, were both road-kill. Would have been nice to identify the wood Hoopoe, they were just a little too far, in acacias across the Rhino sanctuary fence.

We stayed at the new Ikweta Safari Camp, which is 2 km outside the Murera gate. Run by John and Susan Nkinyangi, the spacious canvas tents are to be recommended (and the swimming pool well appreciated!). 

Here below enjoy our list,

Catherine Ngarachu

(IK) indicated when seen at the Ikweta Safari Camp


Helmeted Guineafowl

Yellow-necked Spurfowl (numerous)

Saddle-billed Stork

Hadada Ibis (IK)

Cattle Egret

Black-headed Heron


Eurasian Hobby

Lanner Falcon

Secretary Bird

African Black-shouldered Kite

African White-backed Vulture

African Harrier Hawk

Eastern Chanting Goshawk


Pallid Harrier

Tawny Eagle

Martial Eagle

Grey Crowned Cranes

Blacksmith Plover

Crowned Plover

Common Sandpiper

Marsh Sandpiper

Black-faced Sandgrouse

Speckled Pigeon

Laughing Dove

Ring necked Dove

Red-eyed Dove

Emerald-spotted Wood Dove

Namaqua Dove

White-bellied Go-away Bird

White-browed Coucal (IK)

Eurasian Nightjar

Dusky Nightjar 

African Palm Swift

Little Swift

Speckled Mousebird (IK)

Lilac-breasted Roller

Eurasian Roller (numerous)

Grey-headed Kingfisher

Striped Kingfisher

White-throated Bee-eater

Blue-cheeked Bee-eater (gorgeous!)

African Grey Hornbill

Red-billed Hornbill

Von der Decken’s Hornbill

Eastern Yellow-billed Hornbill

Red-backed Shrike

Grey-backed Shrike (plenty)

Long-tailed Fiscal

Common Fiscal

Black-headed Oriole

Common Drongo

Pied Crow

Wire-tailed Swallow (IK)

Lesser Striped Swallow

Red-winged Lark

Common Bulbul (IK)

Rufous Chatterer (IK)

Greater Blue-eared Starling

Superb Starling

Yellow-billed Oxpecker

Common Rock Thrush

Hunter’s Sunbird (IK & MNP)

Black-bellied Sunbird (IK & MNP)

House Sparrow

Grey-headed Sparrow

White-billed Buffalo Weaver

Red-billed Buffalo Weaver

Red-headed Weaver

Red-billed Quelea

Cut-throat Finch (IK)

African Pied Wagtail

African Citril

Reichnow’s Seedeater (previously Yellow-rumped) 
