From: Mwangi Wa Gitau <>
Date: 2012-04-16 08:58
Subject: Re: Nairobi migrants, vultures and ducklings

On Saturday14th April went for  birding in Karura Forest, in  the Lily lake got some  Ducks, with the highlight been the White backed Ducks( 2 Adults and three ducklings) .Others were: Yellow billed Ducks(2) Egyptian geese(2) Common Moorhen( 2 Adults and 1 chick) Black Crake, Little Grebe, Malachite  Kingfisher,Steppe and Augur Buzzards, Long crested Eagle,Willow Warblers, Ruppell's Robin Chat,Cabanis' Greenbul,Mountain Wagtail.

Enjoy Birding.