From: Catherine Ngarachu <>
Date: 2012-02-21 15:26
Subject: Call for articles and other contributions for Kenya Birding Issue 6

Hi all,
We are excited to be starting on another issue of Kenya Birding. 

The focus of Kenya Birding is birds and birding, other wildlife, sites or places of interest, conservation news. In this context there are four types of contributions we hope will be forthcoming:

(1) Short personal notes or ‘letters’ to the editor
(2) Commentaries or news (between 50 and 350 words)

This is an opportunity to bring attention to a conservation concern or natural history situation or focus on highlighting aspects of a bird or other wildlife (- insect, plant, amphibian…) 
(3) Longer articles (between 350 and 700 words) or feature articles of between 700 - 1000 words
(4) Images of high resolution .tif or .jpg files

I am interested to hear from you on any ideas you may have, so if you are unsure or want to talk about an article you are thinking of contributing, please send me an email

I look forward to hearing from you and as always, thank you for your amazing support.
Best wishes,
Catherine Ngarachu

Editor, Kenya Birding

PS: Contributions should reach me on or before Friday 30 March; please let me know prior to mailing, if you intend to send an image of more than 1MB.

For copies of Kenya Birding please contact Nature Kenya at or