Hi all
The CMS / AEWA Single Species Action Plan for MPH calls for periodic reviews of the status of this threatened bird.
Julien Ramanampamonjy (julien_asity@moov.mg) has responsibility for updating the status in the breeding range and I'm tasked with the process throughout its non-breeding range.
I would be grateful for any records hidden in note books that will add to our knowledge of this bird. In particular are there any negative records from sites that you have previously seen this bird.
I have all the records submitted to the Tz, Ke, Zambia and Malawi email groups. There is
no need to duplicate these.
Date and location please (use google earth to give me DD.DDDD lat-longs) with any additional information you may have on the condition of the habitat, especially threats.
cheers and thanks
Neil and Liz Baker, Tanzania Bird Atlas, P.O. Box 1605, Iringa, Tanzania.
Mobiles: +255 785-311298 and +255 784-834273.
Subscribe to: tanzaniabirds-subscribe@yahoogroups.com