From: Koimburi Felix <>
Date: 2011-12-01 08:57
Subject: Migrating flock: Amur falcon or Eurasian Hobby?

Goodmorning all.

Yesterday evening (Wednesday 30th November), two friends and I  
witnessed what looked like migration of falcons. Literally hundreds  
(500+) of them were flying overhead, moving in a roughly north- 
westerly direction. We witnessed this from my mum and dad's home in  
Hardy, Karen. I was overawed by the sight, seeing that it was my first  
time seeing such a large migrating flock.

Did anyone else see this yesterday? I would also appreciate help in  
confirming that it was indeed Amur falcons that I saw, and not, say,  
Eurasian hobbies. The sky was overcast, and so the lighting was not  
that great. The distinctiveness of the falcon silhouette was however  
clearly visible, but the two-toned underside wing of the Amur was not  
very evident. In at least two birds, I observed a white throat patch,  
suggesting the E. Hobby, but the dusk light made it difficult to  
observe much more than that. Does anyone know if the two travel  

Looking forward to hearing what the experts have to say.
