From: mwangiwagitau <>
Date: 2011-10-18 17:07

Greetings birders,
On the above dates, I accompanied Charles Davies, an avid birdwatcher, who works with U.N.E.P here in Kenya,to north eastern province   we left  Nairobi very early in the morning,arriving at noon in Garissa,after having lunch at the hotel Nomad's, we hired two security officers and headed to Mado gashe road, we drove for 20km, here we found the red sand with the acacia turbulliana dominating,prefered habitat for the Collared Lark according to the literature, for close to three hours we did birding on area hoping to see the lark,  it was nowhere to be seen, but we did'nt miss some special species from this area namely,Pink breasted Lark,common Bulbul[dodsoni],Superb Starlings, Namaqua, mourning, Red eyed and the laughing Doves, Pygmy Batis, Golden& fischer's Starlings, White browed scrub Robin[ which kept on duping us with it mimics of other birds]White headed& Blue naped Mousebirds Rosy patched Bushshrike common Drongo, Red billed& Von der Decken's Hornbills.

The next day we decided to drive further up the road to mado gashe, after about 100 km on a very different type of habitat[ commiphora bush] we found  the Collared Lark, calling on top of commiphora bush, Davies managed to get some  photos before it disappeared, only  to appear again on the same tree,doing some display while calling,later we did a walk around the area where we saw other two Collared Larks and across the road other three Larks could be heard calling.

The day  was vey productive in terms of bird species seen: Scaly Chatterer, Peregrine & Pygmy Falcons Yellow billed Hornbill,European Roller, somali Crombec, Somali Bunting, Black throated &d'Arnaud Barbets,Yellow vented Eremomela,mouse coloured penduline Tit, Shikra, Gabar Goshawk Eastern chanting Goshawk somali Courser, Spotted Thicknee, Abyssinian scimitarbill, Pringle's Puffback, Heuglin's, Buff crested &White bellied Bustards,Northern Crombec,Martial Eagle[ Immature]Black chested snake Eagle, white crested Helmet Shrike, Green winged Pytilia,Bare eyed Thrush,Taita Fiscal,Brubru, Red fronted Warbler, African paradise Flycatcher[white morph], Northern grey & Pale Flycatchers, Variable sunbird[ white bellied] Eastern violet backed&Hunter's sunbirds, Eastern paradise& Steel blue Whydahs, White bellied Go away Bird,Somali Ostrich,Pale Prinia, Yellow breasted Apalis,Northern Wheatear,Crested Francolin, Three Banded plover, Green Sand piper[on pools of water on the road]Spur winged Plovers,Yellow Wagtail,Northern white crowned Shrike, Red billed& White headed Buffalo weavers, Black capped social weavers,Three streaked Tchagra,Ashy Cisticola.

Happy birding all.