From: Fleur Ng'weno <>
Date: 2011-09-15 12:56
Subject: Migrants!

Greetings birders

Nature Kenya's Wednesday Morning Birdwalk had another outstanding morning at
the Racecourse and Ngong Road Forest Sanctuary on September 14.

Hoping to see migrants, we were surprised by the one we saw ­ a Eurasian
Golden Oriole! Eurasian Bee-eaters were also heard faintly, in the distance,
but not seen.

Other highlights included a magnificent Crowned Eagle, a flying Ayres's Hawk
Eagle, and Spot-flanked Barbets, White-headed Barbets and Brown-backed
Woodpeckers investigating a hole in a dead tree trunk while a Lesser
Honeyguide circled around them.

Wishing you good birding, Fleur