From: Brian Finch <>
Date: 2011-08-16 01:55
Subject: NAIROBI NATIONAL PARK 15th August 2011

On the morning of 15th August, I met up with Fleur Ng’Weno, Karen Plumbe, Peter Steward and Radhika Timbadia at the Main Gate. 
We were through at 6.45am, the morning was gloomy and their had been a little rain overnight.

We had nothing at Ivory Burning Site, and continued along to Hyena Dam. There were a few puddles with Wood Sandpipers on, but nothing until the dam. Here we had noisy African Water Rails calling, and the Lesser Moorhen was still fattening itself up. The African Jacana was still present. On the run-off we were looking for the African Crake, but it was sadly not to be seen. There were two Madagascar Pond Herons, a Purple Heron, single Yellow-billed and Great Egrets, now four Yellow-billed Ducks, very obliging African Water Rails that were even involved in aerial chases over the reeds, a strange sight here of three Spur-winged Plovers, also a single Greenshank, eight Wood and three Green Sandpipers. Some four Rosy-breasted Longclaws were in the grass, and amongst fifty Banded Martins were three Barn Swallows. Circling around to Nagalomon Dam there was a couple of Red-collared Widowbirds. They were singing, had all brown and streaky plumage but already the tail was full length! We carried on back to Hyena Dam and sat and had coffee whilst a Little Bittern started calling from neighbouring reeds. It clambered up in full view, and was an adult male of the African race payesii, and in full breeding condition with much red at the base of the bill. This was the Parks thirteenth heron species in a week!!!! Towards Nagalomon Dam we had a Lilac-breasted Roller, and at the dam an immature Darter. We looked for the Dwarf Bittern near Langata Gate, but it was not to be seen, there was the first Grey-headed Kingfisher for the Park for a very long time though. In the nearby glade was a mixed bird party that included a male Black Cuckoo-shrike with startling yellow shoulders, and perched on a bush was a Nairobi Pipit. At Kingfisher Picnic Site we were invaded by a large flock of low flying swifts, which included many Mottled but also a few Nyanza. Following a circuit back to Olmanyi Dam there were again four White-tailed Larks, one of which did not want to leave the road, and gave very good views. We tried again for the African Crake, and again failed only supplementing the day with four out-of-plumaged Jackson’s Widowbirds, and ending the day with the pair of Saddle-billed Storks at Hyena Dam.

We were through the Main Gate at 3.00pm, and had kept only in the northern part of the Park. Amazingly following the 197 species yesterday we still had an additional sixteen species not recorded then.

Mammals were restricted by being in the north, there were very many Giraffe in this area. Otherwise a Lioness with three cubs on Hyena Dam run-off in the morning and an old female there in the afternoon. A Suni near Langata Gate, a White-tailed Mongoose in daylight at the Main Gate and a Slender Mongoose along the Kisembe Stream.

The Park still boasts great birding and mammal viewing, and the unseasonal rain makes it all the more interesting.

Best to all