From: Brian Finch <>
Date: 2011-08-09 13:07
Subject: Re: [KENYABIRDSNET] Short-toed/ Beaudouin's Snake Eagle, Tindaret Forest (ignore previous one!)

Hi Adam,
I have looked at the images, but it is a real pity that it got so far
before the camera went into action. The date would suggest a
Beaudouin, the tail-banding is perfect for a Short-toed/Beaudouin but
although it is indistinct, the undertail coverts give the impression
of being pale and plain, not barred which leans more to a Short-toed.
I really would not like to put money on this. You could send the
images to Simon Thomsett on <>
or Bill Clarke on, and if they can’t help you no-one can.
Best for now

On 7/15/11, Adam Kennedy <> wrote:
> Sorry for the previous email but it was sent before completion!
> Hi All,
> Vicki and I are back from an 8-day break up-country having spent 4 nights at
> Rondo Retreat, Kakamega,and 4 nights at the Barnley's near Kitale. Lots of
> wonderful sightings that I'll write up soon but I just wanted to flag up the
> best bird of the trip which we saw as we were heading back towards Nakuru on
> 5th July - a fine Short-toed Eagle sp (looking very much like
> *C.g.gallicus*but maybe more likely to be
> *beaudouini* given the time of year) as we passed through the southern
> section of Tindaret Forest. On locating the bird it was circling right next
> to the road but by the time I had taken the camera out from the back of the
> car it had soared high and far off but I still managed some shots that I am
> hopeful will prove the validity of the record.
> Find terribly distant images attached (possibly the worst ever on this forum
> due to the fact it was probably 1.5km away!). They are full res but only
> occupy less 0.5% of the frame.
> Best,
> Adam