From: "Bishop, Richard (ILRI)" <R.BISHOP@CGIAR.ORG>
Date: 2011-04-17 12:06
Subject: Breeding spotted eagle owls at ILRI

Hello Kenyan Birders


A pair of spotted eagle owls returned to the ILRI (Uthiru) compound after an absence of almost ten years in February. They have produced a chick, that has now fledged, (in a large Albizia in the  central quadrangle near the directorate). I am not sure how many breeding records there are for this species in Nairobi. The Bill Harvey checklist rates it as  generally scarce with few records.


Best to all






Dr Richard Bishop

Senior Molecular Biologist

International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

PO Box 30709



Telephone: 254 20 422 3000 (switchboard)

254 20 422  3359 (direct extension)

mobile: 0710 831 851 
