From: Darcy Ogada <>
Date: 2011-02-23 22:26
Subject: honey buzzard

Hi all,
I thought I'd share this honey buzzard photo.  It showed up in my yard (outside Thika) this past Monday.  The cat wasn't too impressed, but she didn't seem to mind as much as the dead serval and civet that have been brought into her 'territory' of late (by collecting roadkills).
Incidentally, Hinde's babblers are still around almost daily.  Unusually this year they were around even when it was fairly wet in early Dec and have been vocal throughout.  There's a decent population on Del Monte as I've noticed multiple groups in different areas of late.
Neighbours (w/a large flock of chickens) moved into the empty house next door and almost immediately I noticed a pair of Great Sparrowhawks that I haven't seen in almost two years! 
The Walhberg's eagles that nest near my compound fledged one young this year.
Cheers, Darcy