From: patrick l'hoir <>
Date: 2011-01-01 18:13
Subject: Kakamega and Kisumu 18th till 30st December

Dear all,
Johan and I spend time in Kakamega from the 18th till the 23rd and in Kisumu from the 23rd till the 30st December trying to finish the year 2010 in beauty.
We explored Kakamega forest with Wilberforce. We had a marvellous morning on the 21st near the KFS office when we spot several birds feeding on an ants colony. Great pictures were taken from Red-tailed Bristlebill, White-tailed Ant Thrush, Snowy-headed Robin-Chat, Equatorial Akalat and Brown-chested Alethe. We also got 5 Sabine's Spinetail passing over KFS office on the 22nd at around 8 AM. We also spot a Jameson's Mamba near the Yala river on the same day.
In Kisumu, the most surprising bird was the Ferruginous Duck. The bird was alone with White-face Whistling and Rufous Whistling Ducks. It was on the sewage ponds. We also spot a snake, an African Spitting Cobra at the same sewage.
You will find hereunder the list of the birds seen in Kakamega and Kisumu. Some are followed with a link for the picture.
Kakamega list
Black Stork
Marabou Stork
Hadada Ibis
Sacred Ibis
Black-headed Heron
White-spotted Flufftail
Scaly Francolin
Common Buzzard
Augur Buzzard
Great Sparrowhawk
Lizard Buzzard
Yellow-billed Kite
Long-crested Eagle
Grey Parrot
Red-eyed Dove
African Green Pigeon
Speckled Pigeon
Eastern Bronze-naped Pigeon
Tambourine Dove
Great Blue Turaco
Ross's Turaco
Black-billed Turaco
Klaas's Cuckoo
Red-chested Cuckoo
African Emerald Cuckoo (picture to be seen here:
Red-chested Owlet (picture to be seen here:
Little Swift
Sabine's Spinetail (5)
Speckled Mousebird
Bar-tailed Trogon
Malachite Kingfisher
Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater
Blue-headed Bee-eater
White-throated Bee-eater
Eurasian Bee-eater
White-headed Wood-hoopoe
Black-and-White casqued Hornbill
Grey-throated Barbet
Hairy-breasted Barbet
Double-toothed Barbet
Yellow-spotted Barbet
Yellow-billed Barbet
Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird
Cardinal Woodpecker
Brown-eard Woodpecker (picture to be seen here:
Yellow-crested Woodpecker (picture to be seen here:
Least Honeyguide
Lesser Honeyguide
African Pied Wagtail
Tree Pipit
Barn Swallow
Lesser Striped Swallow
Grey-rumped Swallow
Wire-tailed Swallow
White-headed Sawwing
Common Bulbul
Honeyguide Greenbul (picture to be seen here:
Shelley's Greenbul
Red-tailed Bristlebill (picture to be seen here:
Joyful Greenbul (picture to be seen here:
Ansorge's Greenbul
Little Grey Greenbul
Yellow-whiskered Greenbul
Slender-billed Greenbul
Little Greenbul
Toro Olive Greenbul
Cabanis's Greenbul
Stuhlmann's Starling
Western Black-headed Oriole
Pied Crow
Square-tailed Drongo
Bocage's Bushshrike
Pink-footed Puffback
Lueher's Bushshrike
Common Fiscal
Mackinnon Shrike
Chestnut Wattle-eye (picture to be seen here:
Common Wattle-eye
Jameson's Wattle-eye
Ashy Flycatcher
African Dusky Flycatcher
African Paradise Flycatcher
White-eyed Slaty Flycatcher
Northern Black Flycatcher
African Blue Flycatcher
Scaly-breasted Illadopsis
Brown Illadopsis
Grey-chested Illadopsis
Brown-chested Alethe (picture to be seen here:
White-tailed Ant-Thrush (picture to be seen here:
African Thrush
Blue-shouldered Robin-Chat
Snowy-headed Robin-Chat (picture to be seen here:
White-browed Robin-Chat
Equatorial Akalat (picture to be seen here:
Grey-winged Robin (picture to be seen here:
Northern Wheatear
Wood Warbler
Uganda Woodland Warbler (picture to be seen here:
Green Hylia
Chubb's Cisticola
Zitting Cisticola
Fan-tailed Grassbird
Buff-throated Apalis
Black-collared Apalis
White-chinned Prinia
Tawny-flanked Prinia
Banded Prinia
Grey Apalis
Grey-capped Warbler
Turner's Eremomela
Yellow White-eye
Grey-backed Camaroptera
Olive-green Camaroptera (picture to be seen here:
Dusky Tit
Bronze Sunbird
Collared Sunbird
Orange-tufted Sunbird
Green-headed Sunbird
Olive Sunbird
Green Sunbird
Northern Double-collared Sunbird
Grey-headed Sparrow
Baglafecht Weaver
Dark-backed Weaver
Red-headed Malimbe (picture to be seen here:
Vieillot's Black Weaver
Black-billed Weaver
Common Waxbill
White-breasted Negrofinch
Grey-headed Negrofinch
Red-headed Bluebill
Black-and-White Mannikin
African Citril
Kisumu list December
Whiskered Tern
White-winged Tern
White Stork (78)
Yellow-billed Stork
African Openbill
Marabou Stork
Grey-crowned Crane
Glossy Ibis
Hadada Ibis
Sacred Ibis
Goliath Heron
Black-headed Heron
Grey Heron
Squacco Heron
Striated Heron
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Great Egret
Intermediate Egret
Cattle Egret
Little Egret
Great Cormorant
Long-tailed Cormorant
White-faced Whistling Duck
Fulvous Whistling Duck
Little Grebe
Egyptian Goose
Hottentot Teal
Ferruginous Duck (picture to be seen here:
Water Thick-Knee
Spur-winged Lapwing
Long-toed Lapwing
African Wattled Lapwing
Common Greenshank
Common Sandpiper
Wood Sandpiper
Black-winged Stilt
Common Snipe
Black Crake
African Water Rail
Red-knobbed Coot
Steppe Eagle
African Fish Eagle
Eurasian Marsh Harrier
Long-crested Eagle
Yellow-billed Kite
Great Sparrowhawk
African Harrier-Hawk
Black-winged Kite
Gabar Goshawk
Eurasian Hobby
Meyer's Parrot
Fischer's Lovebird
Laughing Dove
Red-eyed Dove
Blue-spotted Wood Dove
Swamp Nightjar
Eastern Grey Plantain-eater
Bare-faced Go-away-bird
Klaas's Cuckoo
Dideric Cuckoo
Red-chested Cuckoo
Levaillant's Cuckoo
Blue-headed Coucal
White-browed Coucal
Little Swift
African Palm Swift
Speckled Mousebird
Malachite Kingfisher
Woodland Kingfisher
Striped Kingfisher
Grey-headed Kingfisher
Pied Kingfisher
Little Bee-eater
White-throated Bee-eater
Eurasian Bee-eater
Broad-billed Roller
Double-toothed Barbet (picture to be seen here:
Black-billed Barbet (picture to be seen here:
Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird (picture to be seen here:
Grey Woodpecker
Nubian Woodpecker
Grey-headed Woodpecker (picture to be seen here:
Greater Honeyguide
Yellow Wagtail
African Pied Wagtail
Yellow-throated Longclaw
Banded Martin
Lesser Striped Swallow
Wire-tailed Swallow
Barn Swallow
Common House Martin
Angola Swallow
Common Bulbul
yellow-throated Leaf-love
Rufous-naped Lark
Rüppell's Long-tailed Starling
Superb Starling
Black-headed Oriole
Pied Crow
Fork-tailed Drongo
Marsh Tchagra
Black-crowned Tchagra
Brown-crowned Tchagra
Northern Puffback
Papyrus Gonolek (picture to be seen here:
Black-headed Gonolek
Grey-backed Fiscal
Common Fiscal
Spotted Flycatcher
Swamp Flycatcher
Pale Flycatcher
Northern Black Flycatcher
African Paradise Flycatcher
Brown Babbler
Black-lored Babbler
Common Rock Thrush
African Thrush
White-browed Robin-Chat
Common Whitethroat
Northern Wheatear
Pied Wheatear
Little Rush Warbler
Lesser Swamp Warbler
Greater Swamp Warbler (picture to be seen here:
Eurasian Reed Warbler
Willow Warbler
Olivaceous Warbler (picture to be seen here:
Sedge Warbler
Carruther's Cisticola
Red-faced Cisticola
Whistling Cisticola
Winding Cisticola
Siffling Cisticola
Grey-capped Warbler
Yellow White-eye
Bronze Sunbird
Red-chested Sunbird
Marico Sunbird
Purple-banded Sunbird
Scarlet-chested Sunbird
Beautiful Sunbird
Copper Sunbird
Grey-headed Sparrow
House Sparrow
White-browed Sparrow-Weaver
Pin-tailed Whydah
Common Indigobird
Fan-tailed Widowbird
Southern Red Bishop (picture to be seen here:
Red-headed Quelea
Slender-billed Weaver
Northern Brown-throated Weaver
Golden-backed Weaver
Baglafecht Weaver
Village Weaver
Lesser-masked Weaver
Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu
Purple Grenadier
Red-billed Firefinch
Bronze Mannikin
Yellow-crowned Canary
White-bellied Canary
Papyrus Canary (picture to be seen here:
Again a rewardable birding to everybody in 2011.
Best for now,