From: patrick l'hoir <>
Date: 2010-11-18 18:27
Subject: Lamu - Manda Island trip 11-15 November

Dear all,
My wife, Johan and I spent 4 days in Lamu from the 11th till the 15th of November. We explored the South of Lamu (Shela) and Manda Island.
Please find hereunder the list of the birds seen.
Common Tern
A single individual seen near Manda Island

Gull-billed Tern
The commonest Tern (more than 50 individuals seen everyday both in Shela and Manda Island
Lesser Crested Tern
5 individual seen near Manda Island
Greater Crested Tern
3 individual seen with the Lesser Crested Tern
Sooty Gull
Common bird seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Lesser Black-backed Gull
Common bird seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Wolly-necked Stork
A single individual seen in flight in Manda Island

Marabou Stork
Common in Shela near the waste
Yellow-billed Stork
A single individual seen in Shela
Hadada Ibis
A few seen in Manda Island

Sacred Ibis
A few seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Madagascar Pond Heron
A single individual seen in the mangroves in Manda Island

Little Egret
Common bird seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Grey Plover
Common bird seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Ringed Plover
A group of 7 individual seen near Manda Island

Greater Sandplover
3 individual seen near Manda Island

Mongolian Plover
A single bird seen in Manda Island

Little Stint
5 individual seen near Manda Island

8 birds seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Curlew Sandpiper
18 individual seen near Manda Island

Terek Sandpiper
The commonest Sandiper (more than 50 individual) seen near Manda Island

Common Sandpiper
14 birds seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Common Greenshank
2 individual seen near Manda Island

A group of 18 seen near Manda Island and some individual seen in the mangroves in Manda Island

Eurasian Curlew
A group of 13 seen near Manda Island and 2 individual seen in Shela

Crab Plover
A group of more than 20 birds seen near Manda Island and a few individual seen in Shela

Crested Francolin
Groups seen and heard both in Shela and Manda Island

Palm-nut Vulture
A single individual flying over in Shela

Martial Eagle
A single individual flying over in Shela

Black-chested Snake Eagle
A single individual flying over in Shela

African Fish Eagle
A single individual flying over in Manda Island and 1 heard

Little Sparrowhawk
A single individual seen very close, too close (even not 3 meters) in Shela

African Cuckoo-Hawk
A single individual flying over in Shela

Amur Falcon
A single individual flying over every morning and evening in Shela

Klaa's Cuckoo
Heard everyday both in Shela and Manda Island

Dideric Cuckoo
Heard twice in Shela

Slender-tailed Nightjar
6 individual spotted in Shela
Little Swift
Common Swift both in Shela and Manda Island

African Palm Swift
Common Swift in Shela, less in Manda Island

Speckled Mousebird
Birds seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Blue-naped Mousebird
Birds seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Brown-hooded Kingfisher
Birds seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Little Bee-eater
A group of 4 seen on Manda Island

Northern Carmine Bee-eater
A few individual seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Madagascar Bee-eater
A few individual seen both in Shela and Manda Island

White-throated Bee-eater
A few individual seen in Shela

Common Scimmitarbill
Two individual seen on Manda Island

Brown-breasted Barbet
Two birds seen in Shela

Black-collared Barbet
A single individual seen in Shela

Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird
A few seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Red-fronted Tinkerbird
The commonest Tinkerbird seen and heard both in Shela and Manda Island

Cardinal Woodpecker
A single individual seen on Manda Island

Little-Spotted Woodpecker
A single individual seen on Manda Island

Nubian Woodpecker
Two individual seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Greater Honeyguide
A single individual heard in Shela and one seen on Manda Island

African Pied Wagtail
Birds seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Grassland Pipit
6 individual seen on the football plain in Shela after the little rain

Ethiopian Swallow
Common bird seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Dodson's Bulbul
Really common seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Eastern Nicator
Heard everyday and one seen in Manda Island

Sombre Greenbul
Common both in Shela and Manda Island

Northern Brownbul
Common on Manda Island

Black-bellied Starling
A few individual flying over on Manda Island

Eurasian Golden Oriole
3 females seen on Manda Island

Black-headed Oriole
Common both in Shela and Manda Island

House Crow
Common both in Shela and Manda Island

Pied Crow
Common in Shela

Fork-tailed Drongo
Common both in Shela and Manda Island

Black-crowned Tchagra
One seen on Manda Island but regulary heard in Shela

Three-streaked Tchagra
Regulary seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Black-backed Puffback
Seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Slate-coloured Boubou
Regulary heard and seen on Manda Island

East Coast Boubou
Seen both in Shela and Manda Island but silent....

Erlanger's Boubou
A pair well seen at the same place as Brian on Manda Island. We recorded 3 different sounds. We replayed the sound on different places on the Island but no response.

Sulphur-breasted Bushshrike
Seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Grey-headed Bushshrike
Seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Isabelline Shrike
Three individual seen in Shela

Eastern Black-headed Batis
Seen on Manda Island

Pale Flycatcher
Common bird seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Spotted Flycatcher
Some individual seen in Shela but really common on Manda Island

African Paradise Flycatcher
One single bird seen and heard in Shela

Scaly Babbler
One group seen and heard on Manda Island

Common Rock Thrush
One individual seen on the football plain in Shela

Bare-eyed Thrush
One individual seen on Manda Island

White-browed Robin-Chat
Seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Eastern Bearded Scrub-Robin
Common in the ruins on Manda Island

Spotted Palm Thrush
Common both in Shela and Manda Island

One individual seen on Manda Island

Norhern Wheatear
A single bird seen on the football plain in Shela

Willow Warbler
A few individual seen on Manda Island

Coastal Cisticola
Common on the old grassed runaway on Manda Island

Black-headed Apalis
Two individual seen on Manda Island

Yellow-breasted Apalis
Common both in Shela and Manda Island

Tawny-flanked Prinia
Common both in Shela and Manda Island

Abyssinian White-eye
A group seen on Manda Island

Red-faced Crombec
Common both in Shela and Manda Island

Grey-backed Camaroptera
Common both in Shela and Manda Island

Collared Sunbird
Common both in Shela and Manda Island

Variable Sunbird (albiventris)
Common both in Shela and Manda Island together with the subspecies falkensteini

Amethyst Sunbird
The commonest Sunbird both in Shela and Manda Island

Mouse-coloured Sunbird
One individual seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Grosbeak Weaver
One individual flying over in Manda Island

House Sparrow
Common in Shela

Grey-headed Sparrow
Common both in Shela and Manda Island

White-browed Sparrow-Weaver
A few individual seen on Manda Island

Red-billed Quelea
Flocks seen both in Shela and Manda Island

African Golden Weaver
Some individual seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Golden Palm Weaver
Some individual seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Dark-backed Weaver
Seen and heard on Manda Island

Black-necked Weaver
The commonest Weaver seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Lesser Masked Weaver
One individual seen on Manda Island

Pin-tailed Whydah
A group seen on Manda Island

Red-cheeked Cordonbleu
Really common both in Shela and Manda Island

Purple Grenadier
Some individual seen in Shela

Green-winged Pytilia
Two individual seen both in Shela and Manda Island

Red-billed Firefinch
Two individual seen on Manda Island

Peter's Twinspot
One individual seen on Manda Island

Reichenow's Seedeater
A little group seen in Shela and a few individual seen on Manda Island
Best to all,