From: Brian Finch <>
Date: 2010-10-25 22:28
Subject: Re: [KENYABIRDSNET] Weyns's Weaver - a 1st for Kenya

This is really a wonderful find Martin, well done. There is no doubt
that the one of the birds in the photos are an adult male Weyn's
Weavers in full breeding dress. An incredible find
Best for now
Brian Finch

On 10/25/10, Itai Shanni <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> see Martin Odino's original e-mail and photos below.
> this record, once submitted and approved (which won't be a problem at
> all...)
> would be the first confirm record for the species in Kenya.
> well done Martin and hope that these birds will stay for a while.
> Itai
> ----- Forwarded Message
> From: Martin Odino <>
> Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2010 14:18:18 +0300
> To: Nature Kenya <>
> Subject: Unknown Clarke's-like Weavers at Sio Port Swamp
> Dear BC et al,
> I believe you are all well.I need your counsel on the identity of the
> attached
> images.
> I took the photos of the 2 individuals today from Sio Port Swamp (KE IBA
> 60).
> The subjects were perched aloof from the rest of the weavers (Village and
> Yellow-backed, mostly) that were feeding on the cultivated millet and
> grass-weed
> seeds (i guess) in a mixed cropped piece of land bordering the swamp.
> Regards
> Martin
> -------------------------------------------
>  I'd rather go birding...
> ***************************************
> Itai Shanni
> Israel Ornithological Centre  (BirdLife partner in Israel)
> TEL: +972-523-689773
> TELEFAX: +972-77-9300173
> Mishmesh 19, Eilat 88590.
> Skype: itai_shanni