From: Don Reid <>
Date: 2010-10-21 09:28
Subject: Mombasa Bird Walk

Sat. Oct. 16th
Central Quarry: Bamburi
This large pond is really a delight but has to be approached very carefully as there is not much cover at  the main access place where most of the water birds congregate.  White Faced Whistling Ducks of which there are many are so sensitive that they take to the air before one gets anywhere near the edge of the water, alarming everything else.  Once the birds have settled one can watch for ages it is such a captivating place.  Special birds seen:  Purple Swamphen, Common Moorhen with half grown young, African Darter, Common Squacco Heron, Long Crested Eagle flying overhead, Water Thick Knee, Little Egret, Great White Egret, Black Headed, Grey and Green Backed Herons.  This is a major roosting place for Cattle Egret, large flocks flying in at dusk.  Not many migrants yet, a flock of waders in a far off corner looked like Greenshank (this is a favourite place for them in large numbers). No Barn Swallows.  Lots of nesting Village Weavers.  We went to the football field at the end of the walk to look for Yellow Wagtails but not a one to be seen.  They are usually around in large numbers by the end of Oct.   (total 26 species) Enjoy your birding. (Marlene Reid - Mombasa)