Hi to all,
see message below:
>>Colour ringing of Common and Little Terns in Israel
>>During summer 2010 we started colour-marking our breeding Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) and Little Tern (Sternula albifrons), in a project >>coordinated by the NPA. We use white rings with specific black codes. This summer was our first experience in trapping flying terns in Israel (not >>pullus). Our first season was a great success; we marked 201 Common and 134 Little Terns. 44 of the Common Terns were pullus and all the >>others were flying birds. As part of our project we are interested to learn more about their African wintering grounds, migration routes and
other >>movements.
>>Common Tern - Ring code:
>>White rings with specific black codes: the first letter is 'I' (for Israel) and two more random letters or digits, e.g. 'IBN', 'IFS', 'I2P', 'I3D', etc.
>>Little Tern - Ring code:
>>White rings with specific black codes - two types:
>>1. Two random letters, e.g. 'HU', 'PP', 'JA', etc.
>>2. Three letters or digits; first letter is 'A' and two more random letters or digits, e.g. 'AA1', 'AJ8', 'AK0', etc.
>>Information about Israeli ringed terns or any other information requests should be sent to the Israeli Bird Ringing Center, E-mail: ibrc@inter.net.il
>>Yosef Kiat, coordinator, Israeli Bird Ringing Center
I'd rather go
Itai Shanni
Israel Ornithological Centre (BirdLife partner in Israel)
TEL: +972-523-689773
TELEFAX: +972-77-9300173
Mishmesh 19, Eilat 88590.
Skype: itai_shanni