From: Jonathan <>
Date: 2010-09-28 16:43
Subject: Arabuko forest

On 26th september when members of the ASFGA were doing scop owl survey at the Jilore station. The group of six participant had divied themselve into two group to track the sokoke scop owl at 5a.m. one of the group managed to track the sokoke scop owl with orange morph untill they got the roosting site. this is where the sokoke scop owl will roost for the day. the tracking started from 5.20am to 6.25 am where the bird rested at its roosting. Other birds were active and special of the forest East coast Akalat was calling very close to the roosting site of the owl.
Later the group members went ahead to track for more owl, at one point we mangered to hear another owl calling. This time  it was hard to find it's roosting where other three members joined to team on the search. As we tries  flocks of the Clackes weaver were flying from east to west.
the group thought that the waevers were coming from unknown area and headind to unknwon. Clackes weavers has been seen in few numbers at the forest.
We need to come out as a team searching for the rare and globe threaten birds species.