I'd rather go birding...
Itai Shanni
Israel Ornithological Centre (BirdLife partner in Israel)
TEL: +972-523-689773
TELEFAX: +972-77-9300173
Mishmesh 19, Eilat 88590.
Skype: itai_shanni
Subject: Re: Acacia vote
Date: Monday, 2 August, 2010 7:35 PM
From: Quentin Luke <quentin.luke@swiftkenya.com>
To: <birdfinch@gmail.com>
Dear All (apologies for cross posting)
Those of you who know the story of how the Australians "stole" the
name "Acacia" for their "wattles" might like to vote on the issue.
Please click on this link and follow the instructions.
Please send on to anyone you know who might feel strongly about this
issue. Thanks.
I attach the Acacia website - have you voted yet/ We are starting to
do planning for next years Int. Bot. Congress with the vote on
Vienna procedure on Acacia vote - and this website will be brought up
during the congress to try and show the depth of feeling in Africa
(and Latin America, and S Asia) on keeping what is ours!
Spread the news, and the votes, please.