From: patrick lhoir <>
Date: 2010-08-14 08:34
Subject: Masai Mara 10-13 August

Dear all,
I had the pleasure to visit the Masai Mara game reserve with Johan and my children coming from Belgium these last days.
Birding was not the priority but we had the opportunity to spot some good birds. We spot a common Kestrel probably summering in our region. Also noticable a group of 9 Tabora Cisticola near Talek gate. We also spotted two groups of Magpie Shrike, the first group near Keekorok and the second on the way between Sekenani gate and ololeimutia gate.
We also met Adam Kennedy at his camp. A very beautiful place to stay and to go birding. For sure we will stay a few days in November. Many thanks to him for his hospitality.
Please find hereunder the list of the birds we have seen in the park :
Grey-crowned Crane
Marabou Stork
Hadada Ibis
Sacred Ibis
Grey Heron
Striated Heron
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Egyptian Goose
Water Thick-knee
Crowned Plover
African Wattled Plover
Spur-winged Lapwing
Blacksmith Lapwing
Three-banded Plover
Common Sandpiper
Wood Sandpiper
Coqui Francolin
Red-necked Spurfowl
Helmeted Guineafowl
White-bellied Bustard
Black-bellied Bustard
Southern Ground Hornbill
Secretary Bird
Kori Bustard
Common Ostrich
Ruppell's Vulture
African White-backed Vulture
White-headed Vulture
Lapped-faced Vulture
Tawny Eagle
Brown Snake-Eagle
Black-chested Snake-Eagle
African Harrier-Hawk
Gabar Goshawk
Common Kestrel
Grey Kestrel
Meyer's Parrot
Yellow-throated Sandgrouse
Laughing Dove
Ring-necked Dove
Speckled Pigeon
Namaqua Dove
Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove
Bare-faced Go-away Bird
Shalow Turaco
White-browed Coucal
Little Swift
Mottled Swift
Blue-naped Mousebird
Speckled Mousebird
Malachite Kingfisher
Grey-headed Kingfisher
Little Bee-eater
Lilac-breasted Roller
Rufous-crowned Roller
African Hoopoe
Jackson's Hornbill
African Grey Hornbill
Spot-flanked Barbet
D'arnaud's Barbet
Cardinal Woodpecker
Nubian Woodpecker
Lesser Honeyguide
Greater Honeyguide
Rosy-breasted Longclaw
Yellow-breasted Longclaw
Pied Wagtail
African Pipit
Plain-backed Pipit
Fischer's Sparrow-Lark
Red-capped Lark
Rufous-naped Lark
African Sand Martin
Mosque Swallow
Lesser Striped Swallow
Wire-tailed Swallow
Black Sawwing
White-headed Sawwing
Angola Swallow
Dark-capped Bulbul
Superb Starling
Hildebrandt's Starling
Greater Blue-eared Starling
Wattled Starling
Yellow-billed Oxpecker
Pied Crow
Fork-tailed Drongo
Brown-crowned Tchagra
Black-backed Puffback
Slate-coloured Boubou
Tropical Boubou
Magpie Shrike
Grey-backed Shrike
Common Fiscal
Northern White-crowned Shrike
Chinspot Batis
African Grey Flycatcher
African Paradise Flycatcher
Northern Black Flycatcher
Black-lored Babbler
Arrow-marked Babbler
Sooty Chat
Northern Anteater Chat
White-browed Scrub-Robin
White-browed Robin-Chat
Spotted Mourning-Thrush
Little Rush Warbler
Tabora Cisticola
Rattling Cisticola
Winding Cisticola
Zitting Cisticola
Yellow-breasted Apalis
Tawny-flanked Prinia
Grey-capped Warbler
Red-faced Crombec
Grey-backed Camaroptera
White-bellied Tit
Collared Sunbird
Grey-headed Sparrow
Yellow-spotted Petronia
Speckled-fronted Weaver
Grey-capped Social-Weaver
Yellow Bishop
Grosbeak Weaver
Holub's Golden Weaver
Spectacled Weaver
Common Waxbill
Red-cheeked Cordonbleu
Purple Grenadier
Red-billed Firefinch
Yellow-fronted Canary
Reichenow Seedeater
Best for now,