From: Fleur Ng'weno <>
Date: 2010-07-11 11:40
Subject: Blue Swallow
Greetings birders
This is to introduce Gregor Subic, biologist and nature documentary film
maker and a member of BirdLife Slovenia. Gregor is visiting Kenya in July
and August to make a documentary film about some Important Bird Areas and
flagship bird species near Lake Victoria. The film will also showcase
conservation activities by Nature Kenya and Lake Victoria Sunset Birders.
Gregor is especially interested in filming the Blue Swallow (Hirundo
atrocaerulea) which visits Ruma National Park in the non-breeding season.
Gregor invites any interested birders to join him for a few days on his
expedition to film the Blue Swallow. He welcomes any advice on finding the
Blue Swallow and logistics in Ruma NP. (He is already in touch with Paul
Ndang'ang'a and others at BirdLife Africa, with Nature Kenya staff and with
Lake Victoria Sunset Birders.)
Please contact Gregor Subic directly at:
Mobile (Kenya): 073 7689 772
email: <>
Wishing you good birding, Fleur