From: adamscottkennedy <>
Date: 2010-03-18 07:40
Subject: Mara Pipits

Hi All,


I’m looking to ascertain the status of the Plain-backed and Buffy Pipit complex in the Mara and wondered if anyone can help.


Fanshawe and Steveson suggest we could have the pale goodsoni race of Plain-backed Pipit Anthus leucophrys here and this could be a race of Buffy Pipit A. vaalensis. The latter species is otherwise only found in southern Tanzania according to this source.


Zimmerman et al., state we have the warm, buffy zenkeri race AND the pale goodsoni of Plain-backed Pipit in the Mara but make no mention of Buffy Pipit A. vaalensis.


Brian Finch’s Rockjumper 2009 trip report includes Plain-backed (subspecies not specified) and Buffy Pipits as recorded in the Mara GR. So I’m wondering if the goodsoni race is now lumped with Buffy Pipit A. vaalensis?


Also, have there been any confirmed records of Jackson’s Pipit recently and what is the latest thinking on this possible subspecies (or morph) of Grassland Pipit A. cinnamomeus?


I noted a large warm buffy-chested pipit on Rhino Ridge this week but it was too far, even with a scope, to see the colour of the lower mandible. What species is this most likely to be? I’m hazarding a guess at zenkeri Plain-backed.


Many thanks indeed.

