From: Itai Shanni <>
Date: 2009-12-29 02:22
Subject: Fw: [tanzaniabirds] Fw: [BirdsinRussia] Satellite tracking reveals high mortality in Lesser Spotted Eagles [1 Attachment]

enjoy and think about it on the next disscussion on Wind farms in Turkana
I'd rather go birding...
Itai Shanni
Hula Birdwatching Centre
Israel Ornithological Centre (BirdLife partner in Israel)
TEL: +972-523-689773

P.O.Box 63, Yesod Hamaala 12105, Israel.
P.O. Box 47419, Nairobi, Kenya.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: tanzaniabirdatlas <>
Sent: Tue, 29 December, 2009 7:08:25
Subject: [tanzaniabirds] Fw: [BirdsinRussia] Satellite tracking reveals high mortality in Lesser Spotted Eagles [1 Attachment]


Hi all
This is well worth reading in detail, despite it being very depressing. Take careful note of these wind farm losses, the future for Africa !!!! and the still far too high mortality due to shooting in the Middle East, combined with ever increasing pressure on their breeding grounds there really is little hope for these birds and many other large migrants.
It's been a very long time since anyone in Tanzania reported large flocks of Lesser spots on spring passage. The best we managed this past season was 16 in the Masai Steppe.
Check out the full paper with maps and pictures. I've attached the basic text.
This is a fine example of just how bad it is these days... a week or so after the collapse of the Copenhagen talks and the world is back to "normal" with far too many folk chasing money and money and money and money. For sure there are many (by far the majority) folk out there who will queue for the very last football game played on the very last pitch and then attend the very last pop concert well after the s.....t as hit the very last fan.
Sun's shining in Iringa so I'll survive another day !!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 12:28 AM
Subject: [BirdsinRussia] Satellite tracking reveals high mortality in Lesser Spotted Eagles


Dear All.

This is to inform you that our recent paper

Meyburg, B.-U. & C. Meyburg (2009): High mortality rate in juvenile and
adult birds: Causes of death in Lesser Spotted Eagles. Falke 56: 382-388
has been posted to our websit:

_www.raptor- research. de_ (http://www.raptor- research. de/) . (The paper with
all the maps photos etc.)

_http://www.raptor- research. de/pdfs/a_ sp100p/a_ sp143_Mortality% 20A.%20pomari
(http://www.raptor- research. de/pdfs/a_ sp100p/a_ sp143_Mortality% 20A.%20pomarinay .pdf) (complete English translation)

The Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina) is the most endangered of the
remaining four German indigenous eagle species. The population has declined
slowly but continuously for decades. In addition, the size of the breeding
range has shrunk more and more. The main reasons for the decline are
considered to be habitat deterioration in the breeding area and human persecution
on the migration routes. Other causes, such as the natural mortality of
juvenile and adult birds, have scarcely been taken into consideration to
date. This article, based on our satellite telemetry studies reports on the
appalling losses of juvenile and adult birds. Full migration routes from
Germany to southern Africa and back are shown as well as movements during
wintering in central and southern Africa based on many thousands of GPS fixes.


Bernd Meyburg

BUMeyburg@aol. com
_www.raptor- research. de_
(http://pets. com/group/ SatTelOrn/ message/www. raptor-research. de

 Neil and Liz Baker, Tanzania Bird Atlas, P.O. Box 1605, Iringa, Tanzania.
Mobiles: 0776-360876 and 0776-360864.
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