From: Darcy Ogada <>
Date: 2009-12-07 21:51
Subject: Fw: Sightings from Mpala

Hi, maybe I'm sending to the wrong address??  I sent this last week and it wasn't posted, just wondering....

--- On Tue, 12/1/09, Darcy Ogada <> wrote:

From: Darcy Ogada <>
Subject: Sightings from Mpala
Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 4:24 AM

Hi all,

I took some time to do some birding while doing some other work at Mpala Research Centre (central Laikipia) today.  Here’s some of sightings:

1.       Ostrich

2.       Yellow-billed Duck

3.       Red-billed Teal

4.       African spoonbill

5.       Lesser Kestrel

6.       Bateleur

7.       Tawny eagle (8+)

8.       Martial eagle

9.       Common greenshank

10.   Laughing dove

11.   Black & white cuckoo

12.   Hoopoe

13.   D’Arnaud’s Barbet

14.   Chin-spot batis

15.   Fawn-coloured Lark

16.   Rattling cisticola

17.   Red-faced crombec

18.   Superb starling

19.   Hildebrandt’s starling

20.   White-browed scrub robin

21.   Isabelline wheatear

22.   Common rock thrush

23.   Speckle-fronted weaver

24.   Yellow-rumped seedeater

25.   Cinnamon breasted bunting

26.   Common snipe

Some other recent sightings:

Nov 10 Red-billed oxpecker (2)

Nov 30 brubru, northern white-crowned shrike, steel-blue whydah

Oct 31 Purple-throated Cuckooshrike, African grey flycatcher

Daily – Scarlet-chested sunbird, Von der Decken’s & red-billed hornbill, yellow-spotted petronia, white-browed sparrow weaver, vitelline weaver, red-fronted barbet

Nov 24 – Long-tailed widowbirds (2 males), black-bellied bustard

Oct 27 – Rufous-crowned roller, 2 lesser kestrels, augur buzzard, tawny eagle, steppe eagle, martial eagle

Oct 29 crowned plover

Oct 16 – lappet-faced vulture, 3 white-backed vultures

Sep 30 – Ruppell’s vultures and 5 white-backed vultures

Sep 18 White-backed vulture

Sep 23 Imm African crowned eagle

Sep 23 Eurasian bee-eaters (20)

Sep 25 Pearl-spotted owlet (calling)

And all those others you see daily but only record momentarily in your brain!

Cheers, Darcy