From: patricklhoir <>
Date: 2009-10-05 15:28
Subject: Gatamaiyu Forest on the 02 October

Dear all,

Johan and myself spent 3 morning hours in Gatamaiyu Forest on Saturday. The weather was sunny. Please find hereunder the list of the species found.

White-eye Slaty-Flycatcher, Eastern-double-collared Sunbird, Hadada Ibis, Yellow-whiskered Greenbul, Hartlaub's Turaco, Black-tailed Oriole, Montane White-eye, Tropical Boubou, Cabanis Greenbul, White-taile Crested-Flycatcher, Brown-chested Alethe, African Paradise Flycatcher, Mountain Greenbul, African Hill Babbler, Brown-woodland Warbler, Chinspot Batis, Black-collared Apalis, Black Sawwing, Olive Thrush, Chestnut-throated Apalis (a lifer for me and photographed!!!), Northern-double Collared Sunbird, African Dusky Flycatcher, Cape Robin-chat, Common Fiscal and Olive Pigeon.

I ready to accompany anyone who wants to go birding with me.

Best to all,
