From: patricklhoir <>
Date: 2009-07-04 14:34
Subject: Nairobi National Park 04 July
Dear all,
I spent the day at the NNP and birds were not in good numbers, even the animals. I could see white-winged Widowbirds in good number and a few Yellow Bishops. No more Jackson's and Red-collared Widowbirds. Buntings are back in the forest edge and near Kingfisher. It was the Cinnamon-breasted Rock-Bunting and the Yellow-breasted Bunting. A Green Pigeon was drinking at the forest edge dam. Quail-finches were in good number and a few Zebra were seen and pictured. The most interesting for me was a dark morph Gabar Goshawk near Hyena dam. I don't know if it is common in the park because it's the first time I could see one here. Some Dideric Cuckoos were seen but no other species (unless eared).
Good birding,
Patrick the Belgian