From: Itai Shanni <>
Date: 2009-05-31 04:35
Subject: Collared Lark expedition and more

just before the expedition writeup (which is attached), here are some more records of Brian Finch.
Two rapid early morning visits to Nairobi National Park before the
Collared Lark expedition………

22nd May 2009 7-00am – 10-30am
Madagascar Squacco Heron (Hyena Dam), Great Egret, Little Sparrowhawk,
African Fish Eagle, Gabar Goshawk (dark phase along back road behind
Hyena Dam… this seems to be his area), African Water Rail (Hyena Dam),
Southern Crowned Crane  (nest on dam near Magadi Road north of Langata
Gate), Kori Bustard  (an incredible seven together along Mokoyiet
ridge), Black-bellied Bustard (two separate males between Olmanyi and
Kingfisher), Black-and-White Cuckoo, Eurasian Roller (very late
beautiful adult near Kingfisher), White-tailed Lark (several singing
near Hyena Dam), Chestnut Weaver

19th May 2009 7-00am – 10-30am
Madagascar Squacco Heron (Hyena Dam), Great Egret, Red-chested
Flufftail (heard on Hyena Dam run-off), African Water Rail (Hyena
Dam), African Jacana (Hyena Dam), Brown Parrot (pair near Hyena Dam),
Black-and-White Cuckoo (another black bird near Hyena Dam),
White-tailed Lark (nr Hyena Dam), Nairobi Pipit (seven along forest
edge Kisembe), Barn Swallow (just two), Violet-backed Starling.

and on a different matter,
please note that anyone who is going to search for Beesley's Lark on his way to Arusha, please consider the following:
The village project is up and working for all birding groups going to see Beesley's Lark, Olsugut Plain between Namanga and Arusha, it is VERY important that all visitors contribute to this initiative.
The procedure is;
Groups to call the village in advance to arrange a guide to meet them on the road – 0757 852195
Pay Tshs 10,000 per person
Pay Tshs 15,000 for the guide.
all the best and keep these records coming,
I'd rather go birding...
Itai Shanni
General Manager
Hula Birdwatching Centre
Israel Ornithological Centre (BirdLife partner in Israel)
TEL: +972-523-689773

P.O.Box 63
Yesod Hamaala 12105
P.O. Box 47419