From: Fleur Ng'weno <>
Date: 2009-04-08 16:34
Subject: Migrants on the move

Migrants on the move Greetings

At Dakatcha Woodland Important Bird Area northwest of Malindi over the weekend, migrants were on the move. Several hundred Eurasian Rollers and Barn Swallows flying north. Other migrants included Eurasian Cuckoo, Common Rock Thrush, Willow Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher, Red-backed Shrike, Lesser Grey Shrike and of course plenty of Eurasian Golden Orioles.

We – Nature Kenya, David Ngala of Friends of Arabuko-Sokoke Forest and local Site Support Group members – also observed a Golden-rumped Sengi (Elephant-shrew) and a pair of Sokoke Pipits.

If you are planning to visit this IBA, do get in touch with Nature Kenya’s Coast officer Francis Kagema at <> or the Dakatcha Woodland site officer Dominic Mumbu at <> for advice.

Back in Nairobi, the Nairobi Ringing Group caught many Red-backed Shrike on Tuesday April 7. Today’s Wednesday Morning Birdwalk recorded Booted Eagle, Common Buzzard, Willow and Garden Warblers and a Common Whitethroat at Plants Galore Garden Centre, and also observed a beautiful Lizard Buzzard, rarely seen in Nairobi.

Wishing you good birding, Fleur