From: darfreid <>
Date: 2009-01-19 07:08
Subject: lazy sunday in langata
A rare sunday at home was spent lazily observing what flew close by.
The sunbird feeder saw 6 species of sunbirds...the record being 12
birds trying to feed at one time. Also visiting that feeder were
mousebirds, reichenows weaver and bulbuls (the shyer white eyes stayed
away this day). Seedeaters, cordon blues, firefinches and 2 sp of
mannikins were interested in the seeds. Hartlaubs turacos were hopping
about amongst puffbacks, cabanis and yellow whiskered greenbuls,
paradise catchers , a trogon, black headed orioles, red chested and
klaas' cuckoos. Willow warblers were caling as were tawny flanked
prinias, cameropteras and yellow breasted apalis. The Great Sparrowhawk
was noisy and evident and then a noisy bunch of birds mobbing a tree
gave us a great view of the Verreauxs eagle owl.sleepily blinking to
expose its wonderful pink eyelids.All this and more from the verandah..
who needs to travel?