From: Simon Valle <>
Date: 2008-12-14 12:06
Subject: Re: [KENYABIRDSNET] Indian House Crow
Dear Neil,
When I was working in the Malindi-Watamu (2004-2005)
area an House Crow control programme was going on in the area.
Control method consisted in poisoning the crows with some special poison
originally developed to eradicate starlings from U.S (at least this is
what I was told), which kills the bird some time after the bird has
eaten it ( to avoid that flock mates to learn). Poisoned bait was given
to crows in selected strategical areas (where big concentrations of
crows occurred) under the strict control of a person who made sure that
no other birds/animals ate the poison (scaring them away with stones
apparently was enough).
The project was funded by some of the many hotels of the area which see
Indian crows as pests. The method is cheap (poison purchase and wages
for one person are actually the only costs) and seemed to be quite
effective, at least in the short term, but I I have no idea if and how
it developed in the following years.
The whole programme was implemented and coordinated by Colin Jackson,
from ARocha Kenya (you might try to contact him for further details).
Hoping that this is of some use.
best regards
Simon Valle
Neil and Liz Baker ha scritto:
> Hi all
> Is anyone in Kenya doing / trying / thinking about controlling /
> eradicating this bird ?
> tks
> Neil
> Neil and Liz Baker, Tanzania Bird Atlas, P.O. Box 1605, Iringa, Tanzania.
> Mobiles: 0776-360876 and 0776-360864.
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