From: Itai Shanni <>
Date: 2008-11-20 07:57
Subject: Re: Pratincole image

Hi Ayub and all,
thanks for sending these photos.
it is important to show others these species and also it is good as we can all learn from them, just like in the case of the Plover, which does seems more like Caspian than LSP (and David as mentioned all the reasons already).
as for the Pratincole, again i think we have here a case study;
the bird in the photo show features that for my eyes looks more appropriate for Black-winged rather than Collared;
1. short tail - see that the wing tips falls behind the tail. in Collared the wing tips are equal to the tail tip (the tail can even be longer).
2. very little red only only limited to the gape. in Collared it should be more prominent even in 1st year birds.
3. long legs.
4. back dark and uniform. Collared is paler on the back with more contrast between wings and back. 
it will be great to have other people views.
this is a great record as the Black-winged Pratincoles are quite rare in Kenya, usually pass further west in Uganda. it is great to have a record of one for Kenya!
all the best,
I'd rather go birding...
Itai Shanni
General Manager
Hula Birdwatching Centre
Israel Ornithological Centre (BirdLife partner in Israel)
TEL: +972-523-689773

P.O.Box 63
Yesod Hamaala 12105
P.O. Box 47419

Sent: Thursday, 20 November, 2008 14:14:11
Subject: RE: [KENYABIRDSNET] Rufous Tailed Weaver Masai Mara images

Thanks David for your swift response. I forgot to send the image of Collared pranticole Juv. but it is here.

I shall comment after getting more response.

From: d.j.fisher@ntlworld .com
To: ayubkariuki@
CC: mat@wananchi. com; Colin.Jackson@; chwjackson@gmail. com; jeremy.lindsell@ uk
Subject: Re: [KENYABIRDSNET] Rufous Tailed Weaver Masai Mara images
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 10:49:13 +0000

Dear Joseph,
Thanks for this.  No doubt about the photos of the weaver and the barbet, but I think the plover is a Caspian.  The differences are subtle in these plovers in non-breeding plumage but the bill looks too long and fine for a LSP, the legs look too long and the face pattern is rather plain.  LSP usually looks a bit more contrasted.  Also, the overall shape of the bird looks rather slender and 'graceful' whereas LSP look a bit 'dumpy'.
Others may have different views.
Best wishes,
David Fisher
56 Western Way, Sandy, Bedfordshire, SG19 1DU, United Kingdom
Tel:  01767-220468  Fax:  01767-262916
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 10:29 AM
Subject: RE: [KENYABIRDSNET] Rufous Tailed Weaver Masai Mara images

Dear David, Dear all,
Thank you for your kind comments but allow me to say that I may not get dissappointed by David comments as this was not competition but I was passing information to others to be alter. Anyway am attaching the images of the birds we saw and I welcome comments on them as usual.
with kind regards

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