From: Yann Kolbeinsson <>
Date: 2008-11-04 15:30
Subject: Questions about cisticola ID

Dear all,


I was travelling in Kenya in January 2008 with family so didn’t have time for full time birding but still managed to see a good variety of birds. Maybe the ‘best’ bird (rarity wise) was a Black Tern seen on a snorkling trip near Wasini Island, south of Mombasa ? Also at least two Lesser Noddies there among the numerous white-cheeked and lesser crested terns.


I was hoping to get some help about the identification of several cisticolas I saw. Some of the photos are not so good but maybe someone experienced can figure more out than myself ?


Masai Mara, 13 Jan 2008:

Masai Mara, 13 Jan 2008:

Between Masai Mara and Narok, 15 Jan 2008 (I think Desert):

For comparaison: Rattling Cisticola (Masai Mara):

Tsavo East, 18 Jan 2008:

Shimba Hills, 30 Jan 2008:

Shimba Hills, 30 Jan 2008:


The ones at Shimba Hills, I suspect them to be Winding of the race haematocephalus ?


A photo gallery from my trip can be seen here, . I had a singing Indigobird at Voi, near Tsavo East (  According to distribution maps it could be a Purple, could that be right ?


Kind regards


Yann Kolbeinsson
