From: James Ndungu <>
Date: 2008-08-11 01:25
Subject: Birding from Nairobi-Limuru-Nairobi

Dear fellow birders:


On Sunday 10 August 2008, Rupert Watson and I ventured out for a 1-day birding circuit, covering five sites. The weather was pleasing with sunny spells throughout the day. The birding timing was between 07h00 and 17h20, and yielded a tally count of 113 bird species. What a great and fun-filled birding day!


The bird species recorded, per site are given in parenthesis. The bird-rich sites were off Mukoma Road, Langata, Nairobi (26), Limuru Sewage Works (41), Manguo Floodplains (16), Bathi Dam and its environs (39), and the Gatamaiyu Forest (41). The latter 4-sites are all in Kiambu West District, Central Province, approximately 45-minutes drive, in the North-West direction from Nairobi.


I will only highlight some of the very interesting bird species seen and breeding records. Fuller checklists of the day’s birding will be posted at


Two raptors namely the Great Sparrowhawk and an immature African Harrier-Hawk were recorded. Others birds included the Dusky Turtle Dove and the Bronze Mannikin (with several young ones), amidst of the adults at the bird-feeding table, in Langata, Nairobi.


At the Limuru sewage works, several odd-left-out migrants were recorded (Wood and Common Sandpiper), whilst, confirmed breeding records were from the Egyptian Goose (six gooslings), Red-knobbed Coot (two chicks) and Black-winged Stilt (two young ones) respectively. An Augur Buzzard was seen feeding on unidentified rat-like-looking rodent.  Another melanistic Augur Buzzard was soaring over the same vicinity.


The Manguo flood plains, the following birds were recorded – Grey Crowned Crane, Maccoa and White-backed Duck.


Further ahead to the next site, Bathi Dam and its environs the Golden-winged Sunbird was the show-master! Other birds included the Yellow-bellied and Black-headed Waxbills. An immature Great Cormorant and the Bronze Sunbird were recorded.  In addition, pair of the African Black Duck, African Harrier-Hawk and Thick-billed Seed-eater were present too.


The final site the Gatamaiyu Forest was the highlight of the day’s birding. The areas specials included White-headed and Green Wood hoopoes, Fine-banded Woodpecker, a pair of the ABBOTT’S STARLING, Brown-capped Weaver, White-browed Crombec, Grey and Black Cuckoo shrikes, Mountain, Yellow-whiskered and Cabanis’s Greenbuls, Black-fronted Bush-shrike, White-tailed Crested Flycatcher.  Two raptors recorded included Ayres’s Hawk-Eagle and the Augur Buzzard.


Happy birding always,

J. K. Ndung’u


James Kuria Ndung'u
FRONT TRAILS SAFARIS ... taking you closer to nature
33 Kenya House, Koinange / Monrovia Str,
2nd Floor, Unit 22C,
P.O Box 60903, City Square, 00200, Nairobi 
KENYA, East Africa.

PH/FX: +254 (20) 221-0930
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SKYPE: james.kuria.ndungu