From: James Ndungu <>
Date: 2008-04-14 08:11
Subject: Peregrine Falcon in Nairobi�s CBD Area
Dear folks!
While most of the weekends birders reports came from the rainy side of Nairobi National Park, the concrete jungle of the Central Business District (CBD) of Nairobi offered something else
here we go
On 13 April 2008, I observed an adult Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus and two (2) young ones! They gave a frenzy show, with several aerial acrobatic maneuvers. It was unfortunate, as I had neither a camera nor a state-of-the-art cell phones to record this exciting and thrilling show.
The locality was the Sikh Temple, situated near the front car parking area of the Marble Arch Hotel and the Akamba Bus Booking offices. So, if any birder will be passing through in that vicinity, keep your eyes open for these raptors.
Later, I phoned Munir Virani and he hoped to go to the said area on today 14th, though, I think he could not go due to the Mungiki skirmishes, which rocked the city the same morning.
Have a
great week ahead of happy and wet birding!
James Kuria Ndung'u
FRONT TRAILS SAFARIS ... taking you closer to nature
33 Kenya House, Koinange / Monrovia Str,
2nd Floor, Unit 22C,
P.O Box 60903, City Square, 00200, Nairobi
KENYA, East Africa.
PH/FX: +254 (20) 221-0930
CELL: +254-734-287-
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SKYPE: james.kuria.ndungu