From: James Ndungu <>
Date: 2008-02-13 01:55
Dear all:
Over the weekend 9-10 February 2008, while passing near the Industrial Police Station, I observed a newly emerging heronary i.e. a mixed breeding colony consisting of herons and storks. The dominant and highly utilized tree species within the same site were the huge and tall Whistling Casuarina sp., and the Yellow Fever Tree Acacia xantholphloea.
The nesting site was quite multi-active with confirmed breeding records. The birds were either sitting still on the nests (presumably incubating), others had fledglings (cries of the young ones were heard) and/or nest building was progressively on going too.
The notable bird species composed of the following - Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis, Grey Heron Ardea cinerea, Black-headed Heron A. melanocephala, and the Marabou Stork Leptoptilus crumeniferus.
Well, it seems the birds are extending their breeding ranges within the sprawling Nairobis industrial area, and its surrounding environs.
Does anyone within the group know if the heronary in Idsowe area, in Tana River District, if it is still existing?
Happy birding always,
James Kuria Ndungu
James Kuria Ndung'u
FRONT TRAILS SAFARIS ... taking you closer to nature
33 Kenya House, Koinange / Monrovia Str,
2nd Floor, Unit 22C,
P.O Box 60903, City Square, 00200, Nairobi
KENYA, East Africa.
PH/FX: +254 (20) 221-0930
CELL: +254-734-287-802 / +254-728-583-520
SKYPE: james.kuria.ndungu
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