From: chege wa kariuki <>
Date: 2008-01-20 22:09
Subject: Kenya Security Updates 18th Jan

Dear all
Security updates as of Friday 18th from the Kenya Tourism Federation. It's
honestly my fault to send it late as i were away over the weekend. A Shikra
just outside the Ol Doinyo Sabuk National Park, Thika and roosting site of over
a 150 Eurasian Bee eaters.
good day

Friday 18th January 2008: Security Update: 7.00 p.m.


Today was the last day of the three days of mass action on the streets called by
the ODM opposition party in Kenya and all street protests have now been called
off after today. 


The latest reports that we have received are as follows:


Mombasa and coast:

Demonstrations started after the Friday prayers and crowds of demonstrators
across Mombasa were involved in skirmishes and confrontations with riot police.
Tear gas was fired and police shot in the air to disperse the crowds. It was
reported that one person had died and five were injured. By late afternoon calm
had been restored. No tourists were caught up in the demonstrations as tour
operators ensured that the areas where the demonstrations took place were
avoided. The airports operated as normal.



There were some skirmishes in the city centre as crowds were dispersed by the
heavy police presence and it was reported that police had arrested a leader of
a group attempting to march.  Once again the slum areas of Nairobi at Kibera
and Mathare were reported to have had violent confrontations between
demonstrators and police with shots being fired. Reports have not yet been
received of any injuries.


The Nairobi airports at Jomo Kenyatta International and Wilson operated as usual
with no disruption to flights. A strong police presence ensured that the
highways between the Nairobi hotels and the airports were kept open and the
Kibera demonstrators did not move beyond the slum area. There were no reports
of tourists being inconvenienced or affected by street demonstrations.




Narok: There were reports of further demonstrations in the town today with
crowds of opposition supporters confronting police. At least one person was
reported to have been killed in fighting between rival groups.


Kisumu: It was reported that the level of disturbances decreased today. 


The ODM leadership announced today that they would call off any further street
protests from now on. This means that peace and calm should be restored quickly
in the areas where violent demonstrations have been taking place over the last
three days and it is expected that things will be back to normal soon. The
tourism industry has been operating as usual throughout this period and the
Kenya Tourism Federation 24 hour Safety & Communication Centre has been
monitoring events throughout to ensure that tour operators are able to avoid
any areas where demonstrations occur. 



Jake Grieves-Cook


Kenya Tourism Federation