From: Bobs Harries Engineering Ltd <>
Date: 2007-12-19 09:11
Subject: Red Headed Weavers - Karamaini Estate, Thika

For sometime now we have had three Red Headed Weaver nests in an acacia in our garden.  However, whilst we have seen the male building and working on the nests, we have never seen the female.  Happily this past week she has been seen several times on the side mirrors of our cars, and the male came and sat on the windowsill of our sitting room window, getting the dudus caught under the roof – a great close up view! We are hoping that this will mean that she will agree to move into the nests and start a family……..


Kind regards, and wishing everybody a very Happy Christmas, lots of birding and a peaceful election time.


Tracy Pallister





T A Pallister (Mrs)



Bobs Harries Engineering Ltd

P O  Box 40 Thika 01000


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