From: Kariuki Ndang'ang'a <>
Date: 2007-12-06 06:19
Subject: Last chance to comment on proposed IUCN Red List category changes for threatened birds in Africa

Last chance to comment on proposed IUCN Red List category changes for threatened birds in Africa

BirdLife International’s current round of review of the IUCN Red List assessments for threatened birds is coming to a close. Many thanks to all those who have contributed comments or information. We have now assessed these contributions, in the light of all available information, and prepared a draft list of proposed revisions for the 2008 IUCN Red List.

This has been posted up on the Threatened African Birds forum at

BirdLife is now calling for final comments before the deadline of 20 December. Please submit any comments or further information via the individual species topics by this date. After this deadline, we will reassess our draft decisions in the light of any new information, and then post up the final decisions.

Please note that, in some cases, it has not been possible to resolve the status of certain species on the basis of current information. Forum topics on these species will remain open for longer, in the hope of soliciting more information during the rest of this year. They will then be reassessed for the 2009 IUCN Red List.

Many thanks too to all those who have helped so far in reviewing our species factsheets and Red List assessments for the 2008 Red List and Threatened birds of the world 2008.

Stuart Butchart, Jez Bird and Joe Taylor, BirdLife International Global Secretariat

P. Kariuki Ndanganga, BirdLife International Africa Partnership Secretariat

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